13 December 2007

Minnesota XO User Group?

I'm waiting for the two XO Laptops that I ordered to arrive. The first known to the blogosphere came to Minnesota, but I was far from a first day donor -- more like tenth. I'm excited to play with them. I'm equally excited to see what others will do with theirs. And to hook up with them. With the internet, I can do that remotely but there's also good stuff that comes out of old-fashioned face to face meets. I keep seeing stuff about what seems like a big group in DC that meets face to face.

I've been poking around on the web for Minnesota XOs. I'm not seeing much, but maybe they're just not writing about it. So I decided to write this up just in case others were doing the same.

These are the three clear MN-related XO links that I've found:
http://s4xton.com/1632/my-first-experience-with-an-xo-laptop/ : I'm not even sure he's going to have one, but he's in Minneapolis.
http://doug-johnson.squarespace.com/blue-skunk-blog/2007/12/12/olpc-follow-up.html : He's got the XO fame going right now and resides down Mankato way.
http://www.analoghero.com/criteria : These folks are giving an XO away to a kid. It's not clear whether they'll also be XO people themselves but they're in St. Paul.

If you're getting an XO and interested in keeping up with other Minnesotans, feel free to comment here and if there's sufficient interest we can get together.


Aaron said...

Regarding the first link, I did play with one in DC and I also ordered one as well. I know Ed Kohler in Minneapolis has one on the way too.

Aaron said...

I kid you not: within 30 second after I submitted this comment, FedEx showed up at my door with my XO.

Aaron said...

Sorry for the three comments in a row... just posted about one of the first XO laptops in Minnesota. :-)

Christopher Weeks said...

Awesome! My two arrived yesterday too. I haven't had much time to play with them yet -- only one is unboxed. But, sweet!

Christopher Weeks said...

And also, I just now got around to looking for something on OLPCNews.com and found this thread which should make things easier.

Christopher Weeks said...

I also just found this thread of MN users at the laptop.org forum.